Friday, June 19, 2009

Hello my name is Greg and I'm an alcoholic. I am sober today by a gift from God as I understand him and a willingness on my part to do what it takes to maintain that gift. I have been sending out a email to my homegroup for years now and decided its time to take the plunge into blogging. Being the type of alcoholic I am i'm resistant to change and doing things that are uncomfortable to me. I have to always remember something my wife told me in early sobriety before we were even together "Get comfortable with being uncomfortable". I heard that the first time and thought "What kind of F'd up crap is that"? Then I really started to think about it and discovered that in early sobriety we must do things that are uncomfortable to us but in time they become more and more comfortable. This blog will be set up a lot like my email newsletters I have been sending out. I will probably have a daily reading from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous and share some of my experience on that reading. If you subscribe to this blog you will be able to respond or comment on the reading. I hope you sign up and participate. I know it may be uncomfortable at first but try it anyway, it will become more comfortable.

We learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step in recovery. The delusion that we are like other people, or presently may be, has to be smashed.(Page 30 Alcoholics Anonymous)

For me that concession came at about 8 1/2 months sober. I had been going to meetings. Had a pseudo sponsor ( A guy I called my sponsor but never called). In a 3 1/2 week period of July 1997 I had a series of events happen that was my bottom. I had been asked to leave the home I put the down payment down on by my fiance' due to me being so dry and angry; and we got into a argument and I put my hands on her which is something I had never done to any woman before and haven't done since. I was riding my motorcycle across town to stay with a friend for a few days to give her a chance to calm down, and as I was reflecting on the events of the past few weeks I thought perhaps getting drunk was in order. No sooner had that thought crossed my mind then I thought perhaps that's the reason for the situation I was in right then. I really think that God was talking to me that day. I realized right then that I was powerless over alcohol and just how unmanagble my life had become. The delusion was smashed!!! But, I wasn't NOW THAT'S a miracle!


  1. I know I have had an experience when God has spoken to me, I know i heard him and I am sure it was amazing. I just did not know it and now that I am trying to hear him I am getting frusterated at my head and the fact that it will not shut up long enough for me to listen for the answers... Love you!!

  2. Michelle, Missed seeing you last night. Funny you should make this comment. I got a email from Don E. yesterday with this link. It reminded me we need to look for the subtle ways God speaks to us.


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